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Sarah Palin: As Watergate Taught Us, We Reject Illegally Breaking Into Candidates’ Communications

Friday, April 30, 2010 1 Response
My family and I are thankful that the jury thoroughly and carefully weighed the evidence and issued a just verdict. Besides the obvious invasion of privacy and security concerns surrounding this issue, many of us are concerned about the integrity of our country’s political elections. America’s elections depend upon fair competition. Violating the law, or simply invading someone’s privacy for political gain, has long been repugnant to Americans’ sense of fair play. As Watergate taught us, we rightfully reject illegally breaking into candidates’ private communications for political intrigue in an attempt to derail an election.

I want to thank the public servants who worked so hard on this case, particularly the jurors who gave up precious time from their jobs and families to listen to the evidence and reach a decision.
My family and I appreciate the good people of Knoxville, Tennessee, who showed us true Southern hospitality. We can’t wait to visit again – but without having a subpoena in hand.
- Sarah Palin

A Tennessee jury convicted the man who hacked into Sarah Palin's e-mail account during the 2008 campaign on two of four charges, according to Fox News.
The jury in Knoxville found David Kernall guilty of computer fraud and obstruction of justice, but judged him not guilty of the wire fraud charge and deadlocked on an identity theft charge.
Kernall, a 22-year-old former University of Tennessee student, faced as much as 50 years if he had been convicted of all charges. He broke into the former Alaska governor’s e-mail while she was on the campaign trail as the Republican vice presidential candidate.
Palin and family members testified during the trial about how the e-mail frightened them and wreaked havoc on their lives.


Politics Daily GOP Contenders: Reagan Conservative Sarah Palin Vs RINO Romney

Friday, April 30, 2010 0 Responses
The race to win the GOP presidential nomination – is gearing up. It, too, has a large field, but this race is a marathon that takes four years to complete. Now, the time has come to begin handicapping the 2012 primary race.
This list represents a snapshot of a moment in time, with fluid odds and a constantly changing field. Keep in mind that if this list were compiled a year ago, Mark Sanford's name would have been included – and possibly John Ensign as well. But that's horse-racing. Just ask the owners of Eskendereya, the consensus favorite to win the Kentucky Derby, who was pulled out of the race a few days ago.
This is according to the Obama dolts at The Associated Press: 
1. Mitt Romney, 3-1 -- (true odds 7-2) Smart horseplayers bet with their heads, not their hearts. It has been said that Democrats fall in love, but Republicans fall in line. As such, the smart money is to back this horse, and that means the likely nominee will be Mitt Romney. Romney's obvious shortcoming is that the health care plan he shepherded through the legislature in Massachusetts, dubbed "Romneycare," is nearly identical to Obamacare. Romney finished in the money last time. This time, he's the candidate to beat.  This is naturally the Democrat and medias attempt to choose the GOP candidate via continued attacks on Sarah Palin while promoting RINO Romney.  
2. Sarah Palin, 7-2 (true odds 2-1) The lone filly in the race, Palin is disdained by the mint julep Republicans, but in today's GOP, there may be more votes among the infield crowd, with its beer chests and lawn chairs, than in the clubhouse luxury boxes – especially in the primaries. This horse has a natural gait and heart, but she's headstrong and difficult to guide – a tough customer for any trainer.  The reality is Sarah Palin has a massive and enthusiastic following.  She is the only candidate with the ability to draw huge crowds and raise funds like no the GOP, including Romney the RINO.  For example her endorsements of Tom Emmer for Minnesota Governor, Rand Paul and Tim Burns of Pennsylvania all brought in hundreds of thousands hours after her announcement.
3.  Tim Pawlenty, 6-1
4.  Mike Huckabee, 8-1
5.  John Thune, 10-1
6.  Mitch Daniels, 12-1
7.  Newt Gingrich, 15-1
8.  Haley Barbour, 20-1
Marco Rubio
Rick Perry
Rick Santorum
David Petraeus
Rep. Mike Pence
Scott Brown
Bobby Jindal
Ron Paul
Original Post:


(NBC & Fox News) Governors Sarah Palin & Rick Perry In Austin, TX

Friday, April 30, 2010 0 Responses

Governor Sarah Palin: 
"the most pro-abortion president to ever occupy the White House."
"so many prolife pro-family legislators"  "my friend Rick Perry."
"There are so many things to admire about your governor"

Governor Rick Perry:
"America is in the business of exporting abortion. I'm not happy about that,"
"Too bad we can't protect them from the federal government," he said.
Governor Rick Perry 
Introduced Sarah Palin: "She often reminds me that size really does matter" 
He soon indicated he was talking about state size and Palin reinforced that idea.
Governor Sarah Palin
"It's really good to be back in Alaska's little sister state." 
Palin also Perry's recent coyote killing "really impressed."
12 Protestors were outside the Austin Convention Center 
The signs:
"I got 99 problems and Sarah Palin is all of them"
"1 million Iraqis dead. Pro life?"
"Would you let the government choose your religion? Your clothes?"



US News & World Report: 10 Reasons Sarah Palin Would Make a Good President

Wednesday, April 28, 2010 2 Responses
1. Unbending Conservative
Palin is a long-time, unbending Reagan conservative who has committed to cutting taxes, eliminating some regulations, and generally shrinking the government. This includes 16 years of executive with a superb track record of cutting the budget and putting funds aside for AK education & the general fund even with a large tax surplus. 
2. Military Hawk
The mother of a soldier in Iraq, Palin is becoming a military hawk. She has repeatedly threatened Iran with sharp language, and some think threats work. And don't forget that she can shoot an elk at 400 yards, so she can back up those threats.
3. Oil Drilling Advocate
The former governor of Alaska is a strong advocate for an energy policy. She wants to produce more domestic energy and buy less overseas. Democrats see her as tough on that issue.
4. Respect of Governors
As governor, she had the respect of other governors and worked well with the state legislature. She might bring a new bipartisan approach to Washington and respect the rights of our States.
5. Revive Saturday Night Live
Let's face it: Palin impersonators are funny, and her presidency would certainly help revive Saturday Night Live if Tina Fey returned to play Palin. (Palin Power)
6. Friend of the Working Class
She identifies with working class Americans more than more wealthy candidates and presidents. It's not uncommon to see her working with her union member husband on his fishing boat. Or hunting and fishing for that matter. 
7. Advocate for Disabled Children
Her last child was born with Downs Syndrome and that has made her a passionate advocate for disabled children, a job that presidents normally pass off to the first lady.
8. Positive Changes Of A First Woman President
Just being the first woman president would likely bring massive changes to how the Oval Office is handled and how foreign leaders view the United States.
9. Boost Conservative Media
As a foe of the liberal media, she might boost conservative bloggers and center-right media like Fox News to mainstream media levels.
10. Fashion Statement
She would likely spark a whole new fashion sense in the nation with Carhartt and Cabela's taking over from J. Crew and Gap.
Original Post:


Obama Supporters Lose Another One Against Governor Sarah Palin

Tuesday, April 27, 2010 3 Responses
Yesterday we learned that another “ethics” complaint that was filed against Governor Palin was dismissed as baseless. (If you are counting, the Governor is 26-0-1 regarding such complaints or suits, with one still pending). Only this complaint was actually filed after she left office, and alleged that the mere existence of the Alaska Fund Trust (the legal defense fund set up for her to help defray the costs incurred during the Troopergate fiasco and related machinations that followed in its wake) was violative of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act as well as its solicitation or receipt of contributions. The raison d’être of the legal defense fund was inexorably linked to Governor Palin’s nomination as the Republican candidate for Vice President and the post-nomination political tactics arising therefrom; thus making the nomination sine quo non for the fund. In a detailed opinion, the complaint was dismissed as lacking a factual or legal basis. Last June, upon learning that a complaint against the Governor’s Anchorage Office Director was dismissed as baseless, Governor Palin’s then Chief of Staff Mike Nizich said, “This is not about holding the governor or state employees accountable. This is pure harassment.” That still rings true today.
When I discussed this with Governor Palin, she had an interesting take: “My reaction upon reading the opinion in this matter was not what I expected. Though I’m always pleased with the results of these investigations that prove the false allegations wrong, and I appreciate the detailed reasoning set forth in this recent opinion, I was primarily disappointed that the State of Alaska, the Attorney General’s office, and others, still have to spend time and resources addressing the abusive onslaught of frivolous complaints directed against me—even after I left office.”
At times (indeed, as recently as Sunday in a magazine cover story) people allege that the “real” reason Governor Palin stepped down was to “make money” (citing primarily her best selling book). As this most current complaint again emphasizes, Governor Palin stepped down for the right reasons—she did not want to see her state government continue to get bogged down with inane “ethics” complaints that were transparently political, plainly partisan, and diverting state resources. The voluntary relinquishment of power for the greater good is normally praised as an example of true leadership—just review any biography of George Washington—and it should be in this case as well. But for those who seek power for the sake of power, a selfless act is confusing, so a new narrative is created, such as the “profit” motive now being asserted with renewed vigor. Rest assured Sarah Palin had obtained approval to write her memoir while still in office without running into any conflict with the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act. Her financial future from her best selling book, though unknown then, would not have altered much whether she stayed in office or resigned, except the number of “ethics” complaints did dramatically decrease, so any legal fees associated with such complaints decreased concomitantly. 

Let this latest dismissed complaint serve as a reminder for one of the real—and stated—reasons for her voluntary relinquishment of office, an office she campaigned for diligently, tirelessly and effectively. It stands as a marker that occasionally, every so often, there are public servants who can recognize the difference between self-interest and public interest. Sarah Palin is one such public servant. 
- Thomas Van Flein, personal attorney for Sarah Palin


(Photos) Sarah Palin & Arizona Governor Jan Brewer At Arizona Diamondbacks Game

Monday, April 26, 2010 3 Responses

Photo 1 by Paul Connors AP Photo

Governor Sarah Palin and Governor Jan Brewer applaud prior to the start of a baseball game between the Philadelphia Phillies and the Arizona Diamondbacks Sunday, April 25, 2010, in Phoenix.

The Governor signs a baseball as she attends the Major League Baseball game between the Philadelphia Phillies and the Arizona Diamondbacks at Chase Field on April 25, 2010 in Phoenix, Arizona.


(Video & Transcripts) Sarah Palin In Oregon: 'How Can Environmentalists Sleep At Night' - Lefty Coverage -

Saturday, April 24, 2010 0 Responses
NBC KMTR Eugene Oregon

ABC KEZI News Eugene:
CBS KVAL News Eugene:
The Register-Guard, Eugene OR:
The Orgonian:
Speaking In Eugene:
Sarah Palin spoke in Lane County Friday night and called attendes “everyday hard-working Americans.” "It's the belief that the government who governs least governs best."  When the other party's wrong, we stiffen our spines."  The Governor said she Googled Eugene finding an article that described the town as “hippie” and “granola” and in love with its organic food. “I eat granola.” "I'm reading that, and I'm saying, 'Ooh, I feel so culturally profiled.' How intolerant,"

"It's like the runner Steve Prefontaine used to say," Palin said, referring to the Eugene track legend, "It's going to come down to a pure guts race. And if it does, we can win it."  "I love my Nikes. ...“I just happen to shoot and catch my organic food before I eat it.” “Here I am in Track Town USA and my kid’s name is Track. How Eugene hippie can that be?” 
"If you remember only one thing, please remember this," she said. "America does need your voice now more than ever, especially in a place like this. Don't get discouraged."

ObamaCare & Energy:
"Only a limited government can provide the best path," she said.“Trying to keep up with what they’re up to and to keep them and the press accountable has really become a full-time job,”

“We have to make sure this ‘Obamacare’ is short-lived,” she said. “It felt so forced upon us. It was so forced upon us.” “Production of our resources means security for Americans and jobs for American workers.”
Sarah Palin spoke on those interests preventing drilling in Alaska while allowing foreign countries to drill and damage the environment:  “So environmentalists are kind of hypocritical on this one.” “I don’t know how environmentalists can sleep at night.”

The Dead Media:
“Sometimes they are kind of one in the same,” she said. “We call them the 'lame-stream' media lately.” “The left, well, they had to grab hold of something to discredit.” “The press then just started making things up. I’ve had to deal with that for quite some time now.”

Eugene City Councilwoman Jennifer Solomon asked a question about her role at Fox News. The Governor said she is very proud to be a part of the “fair and balanced” and praised Glenn Beck mentioning “his chalkboard technique he is changing our country."

"She's a superstar," said Jeanne Staton of Eugene, who attended the fundraiser by herself to get a look at the woman who may run for president. Dawn Attleberger of Vancouver said she got a bit rattled as she endured jeers on her way into the event. But it was worth it, she said.  "I'm 51, and I wasn't interested in politics until she came into the picture," Attleberger said. "Now I am."
Attendees paid $250 each to see Palin speak, $100 to watch a live video feed and 70 people paid $1,000 for a meet and greet photo op which included a signed copy of "Going Rogue".


(4 Videos) Sarah Palin Comments On E-Mail Hacker Trial

Friday, April 23, 2010 0 Responses


Sarah Palin On Rev Frank Graham & Pentagon National Day of Prayer

Friday, April 23, 2010 17 Responses
My, have things changed. I was honored to have Rev. Franklin Graham speak at my Governor’s Prayer Breakfasts. His good work in Alaska’s Native villages and his charitable efforts all over the world stem from his servant’s heart. In my years of knowing him, I’ve never found his tempered and biblically-based comments to be offensive – in fact his words have been encouraging and full of real hope.
It’s truly a sad day when such a fine patriotic man, whose son is serving on his fourth deployment in Afghanistan to protect our freedom of speech and religion, is dis-invited from speaking at the Pentagon’s National Day of Prayer service. His comments in 2001 were aimed at those who are so radical that they would kill innocent people and subjugate women in the name of religion. 
Are we really so hyper-politically correct that we can’t abide a Christian minister who expresses his views on matters of faith? What a shame. Yes, thing have changed.
- Sarah Palin


Radical Leftist Noam Chomsky: We Are Hearing Answers From Sarah Palin - Obama Fascist

Thursday, April 22, 2010 0 Responses
While receiving the University of Wisconsin’s A.E. Havens Center’s award for lifetime contribution to critical scholarship, Noam Chomsky warned that fascism looms if Americans are not careful
“I’m just old enough to have heard a number of Hitler’s speeches on the radio, and I have a memory of the texture and the tone of the cheering mobs, and I have the dread sense of the dark clouds of fascism gathering…”

The level of anger and fear is like nothing I can compare in my lifetime. Ridiculing the tea party shenanigans is a serious error. For over 30 years, real incomes have stagnated or declined…The bankers, who are primarily responsible for the crisis, are now reveling in record bonuses while official unemployment is around 10 percent and unemployment in the manufacturing sector is at Depression-era levels. The financial industry preferred Obama to McCain. They expected to be rewarded and they were. Then Obama began to criticize greedy bankers and proposed measures to regulate them. And the punishment for this was very swift: they were going to shift their money to the Republicans. So Obama said bankers are ‘fine guys’ and assured the business world: ‘I, like most of the American people, don't begrudge people success or wealth. That is part of the free-market system.’ People see that and are not happy about it. People want some answers. They are hearing answers from only one place: Fox, talk radio, and Sarah Palin.

Texas 4 Palin:
DK Jaamal Of The Examiner:


Sarah Palin In Rand Paul's Campaign Commercial

Thursday, April 22, 2010 0 Responses


Sarah Palin Keynote At Fundraiser For ‘Special Needs Children’ In Atlanta (Full Schedule)

Monday, April 19, 2010 0 Responses

This night will be something you don't want to miss! In addition to Sarah Palin, we will also have other nationally known musicians performing and other celebrities as well. The purpose of the P.U.R.E. Celebration is to simply bring awareness to ordinary Christians of the needs and blessings of P.U.R.E. people and their families and encourage people as to how the church can corporately and personally help and be blessed.
We're going to have a great night of praise and worship! We have some wonderful things planned for the evening and will briefly introduce the wonderful message of P.U.R.E. ministry as well.  We have a special surprise Christian artist who will undoubtedly make the night really something to remember! The P.U.R.E. Celebration will in no way be a “political” event, but a “celebration” of what "can" be - what is in store for Christians and their local churches as they reach out to P.U.R.E. families in their communities.
Finally, we also will be announcing that night a number of P.U.R.E. Celebration Training Seminars to be held in several churches around metro Atlanta later this fall. These seminars are intended to help train and inform orbinary Christains that become excited, motivated, and inspired! At these seminars we will train you and your friends how exactly to start and grow P.U.R.E. Ministry in your local church.
Make plans now to join us on June 29 at the Gwinnett Arena for the P.U.R.E. Celebration!  

Full Schedule
February 5 - Salina, KS - Salina's Chamber of Commerce
February 6 - Nashville, TN - Keynote Speaker Tea Party Convention 
February 7 - Houston, TX - Campaign Rally for Governor Rick Perry,
February 8 - Redding, CA - Sierra Cascade
February 14 - Daytona, FL - Daytona 500 
February 15 - Daytona, FL- Daytona Chamber of Commerce
February 16 - Little Rock, AR - The Arkansas Republican Party 
March 5 - Columbus, OH - Ohio Right To Life
March 13 - Tulsa, OK - Take Our Country Back Tour
March 25 - Beaumont, TX  Get Motivated (8am)
March 25 - Midland, TX  Liberty & Freedom Foundation (2pm & Not Confirmed)
March 25 - Midland, TX  Petroleum Club (6:15pm & Not Confirmed)
March 26 & 27 - Arizona - Campaigning for Senator John McCain
March 27 - Searchlight, NV - Kickoff for Tea Party Express
April 6 - Las Vegas, NV - Keynote speaker, 2010 Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of America Convention
April 7 - Minnesota - Campaigning for Congresswoman Michele Bachmann 
April 14 - Boston, MA - Stop on The Tea Party Express
April 15 - Hamilton, ON - Charity of Hope
April 16 - Louisville, KY - Women Of Joy
April 22 - Houston, TX - Barbara Bush's Literacy Foundation's "A Celebration of Reading"
April 23 - Eugene, OR - Lane County Republican Party Fundraiser
May 1 - Independence, MO - Preserving American Liberty
May 2 - Wichita, KS - Bethel Life School fundraiser
May 12 - Chicago, IL - Rosemont Theartre or Ticket-master
May 11 - Birmingham, AL - Rainbow Omega
May 13 - Benton Harbor, MI - Economic Club of Southwestern Michigan
May 14 - Charlotte, NC - NRA Annual Convention
May 19 - Richmond, VA - Sarah Palin at Get Motivated! Seminar 
May 22 - Denver, CO -  An Evening With Sarah Palin 
June 4 - Charlotte,  NC - 'America, The Greatest Nation' Dinner 
June 5 - Charlotte, NC - Blue-ridge Educational Resource Group
June 26 -  Tyler, TX - An Evening With Sarah Palin
June 29 - Atlanta, GA - The P.U.R.E. Ministry
June 30 - Las Vegas, NV - Sarah Palin Speech to BPAA Convention
August 28 - Washington, DC - Governor Palin at Restoring Honor Rally
September 12 - Missoula, MT - Sarah Palin at fundraiser for Teen Challenge
September 13 - Kansas City, OK - Sarah Palin speaks to Vitae Foundation 
September 16 - Louisville, KY - The National Quartet Convention
October 7 - Montgomery, AL - Faulkner University Benefit Dinner
October 9 - Bakersfield, CA - Bakersfield Business Conference


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