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Over 600,000 Polled: 80% Support Governor Palin 2012 Run

Wednesday, July 29, 2009 1 Response

A poll reveals that nearly four out of five respondents would support Sarah Palin as the Republican nominee for president in 2012.

A slightly larger majority believe the then-Alaska governor helped John McCain in the 2008 presidential race — while only 31 percent think McCain did a good job running for president.

The poll drew more than 600,000 responses, and Newsmax will provide the results to major media and share them with radio talk show hosts across the country.

1) What is your opinion of Sarah Palin?
Favorable: 83%
Unfavorable: 17%

2) Do you believe Sarah Palin as a running mate helped or hurt John McCain?
Helped: 80%
Hurt: 20%

3) In the election between McCain-Palin and Obama-Biden, who did you vote for?
McCain-Palin: 81%
Obama-Biden: 16%
Other: 3%

4) Would you support Sarah Palin as the Republican nominee for president in 2012?
Yes: 78%
No: 22%

5) Do you believe McCain did a good job running for president?
Good Job: 31%
Bad Job: 69%

6) Do you believe Barack Obama "bought" the White House by outspending McCain?
Yes: 72%
No: 28%


Sarah Palin Is The leader Americans Need She Is Heeding Our Call (Øbama A Hack)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009 0 Responses

Pamela Geller of the Atlas Shrugs & American Thinker wrote a great article entitled: Palin's Commencement Address. She correctly tells us Governor Palin’s farewell Address was just the beginning and, unlike Øbama, an optimistic view of America as our better days are ahead. Øbama, whom sadly believes America’s standing in the world has diminished and our better days are behind us. She hit it on the nose and described perfectly the importance and meaning of Governor Palin. There is an new American Revolution and it is the American People led by Governor Palin verse the Socialist Elitest in the Hollywood-New York-Washington triangle. She is the anti-Øbama.

She invoked America's pioneering spirit. She urged us to resist enslavement to big central government: "Be wary of accepting government largess." Sarah Palin embodies what an American is. She is what Washington, Jefferson, and Franklin envisioned when they carved out the American idea.

Anyone who wants write her off, proceed at your own risk.

The more evil succeeds and overwhelms our foreign and domestic policy, our culture, our discourse and the very social fabric of our lives, the clearer it becomes that Palin is the antidote, the answer to fighting this morally bankrupt sewer in which we find ourselves during the Øbama Administration.

The low state of the world is a fact, but so are great Americans who will fight tooth and nail to stop what Øbama is doing to America. Clear thinking Americans see what is happening. America is being tested in a way she never has been before. The President has in every decision reinforced the impression that he is a radical, even a communist/Islamist: the usurpation of the Constitution, the bankrupting of our nation, the illegal grab of private wealth, the infiltration of Islamic supremacism, the abandonment of our allies, the weakening of our military. It's stunning.

Sarah Palin sees it, too. Smart, sharp, patriotic, she best represents the majority of Americans. Not Øbama's shills in the press, not the chattering elites and the Beltway insiders, but Americans. There was no way she could stay on as Governor, as she was unable to fulfill her duties while the leftists in America had her tied up in bogus lawsuits (all of which she won). She agreed to pay the travel fees for taking her children on one of her trips. Øbama should do the same with those trips to Paris for his two girls. Pay it back. Pay back the $100,000 it cost taxpayers for his "date" in New York. Pay it back. Pay for those ridiculous $100 steaks and his 20 million dollar "farm" rental for a little R and R next week. Øbama and his gang are the pigs at the public trough, not Palin. Their hypocrisy knows no bounds.

There is no more iconic image than Sarah Palin at the Governor's picnic with Mark Levin's book on her lap, Liberty and Tyranny. The American Thinker called Levin's book "a compelling primer on the most basic principles of the American political order." Tony Blankley in the Washington Times said the book "carefully lays out the central historic, philosophic and constitutional relationship between conservative principles and our individual freedom." Contrast that to Øbama was once photographed carrying while strolling across an airport tarmac: The Post-American World by Fareed Zakaria.

America wants Palin. Republican Party Chairman Michael Steele said recently that she would not run in 2012. But Steele speaks for no one. Neither he nor the GOP will pick our candidate. Palin is going to help us win back the House and Senate by campaigning and working for candidates in that fight in 2010. And we, the good, decent folks in America, are going to help her win the White House in 2012.

We need her. She knows it. She is heeding our call. Is she a hack like Øbama, planning to campaign on the taxpayers' dime, as he did as a junior senator when he ran for President? No. Is that in itself extraordinary in these times? Yes. But so is integrity, ethics and decency. The left is calling her a "quitter." She is just the opposite, my friends. Sarah Palin is a fighter, a winner. And she is getting into the fight.

Sarah Palin is a Great American. She is the leader Americans need. She is the leader the tea parties need. In closing, Palin said, "G-d bless America." Have you ever heard Øbama utter those words?

The American Revolution has its leader. North to the future!

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