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Investor’s Business Daily On Palin: Leadership, Amazing, Fresh Breeze In Wisconsin

Monday, April 18, 2011 0 Responses
Leadership: Sarah Palin hit it out of the park in a speech this past weekend in Wisconsin. She dazzled because, of all things, she reached out to her opponents. When was the last time we saw that coming out of the White House?
Amazingly, Palin’s words offered common ground between Tea Party taxpayers and public employee union members, who’ve until now been at odds with Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s attempt to balance the state budget.
“What I have to say today I say it to our good patriotic brothers and sisters who are in unions … a pension is a promise that must be kept. Now, your Governor Scott Walker understands this. He understands that states must be solvent in order to keep their promise. And that’s what he’s trying to do. He’s not trying to hurt union members. Hey, folks, he’s trying to save your jobs and your pensions!”
In short, she came to save, not to cut, and in the finest example of bipartisan bridge-building since President Reagan made allies of blue-collar workers, she reached out to the very people whose hirelings tried to drown her speech out with obscenities.
Palin paid no attention to the thugs and kept her eye on the common ground. She put her finger on the two things that matter most to workers across the country — saving their jobs and their pensions — and decisively linked it with the reduction in the size of government sought by the Tea Party taxpayers.


Launch of New SarahPAC Website!

Monday, April 18, 2011 0 Responses
Today, SarahPAC is excited to announce the launch of our new website! It's been many months in the making and will allow SarahPAC's supporters and friends to read Sarah's latest posts, connect, and see some of the conservative candidates that SarahPAC supports — Palin's Picks!
Please go to and take a look! Don't forget to 'Like' Sarah on Facebook!
Yours truly,
Tim Crawford
Treasurer, SarahPAC


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