Gov Palin: U.N. Has Failed & Øbama Playing Catch-up With N Korea (Defense Sec'y Gates To Visit Alaska)
Friday, May 29, 2009
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Anchorage, Alaska – Governor Palin called on Øbama to take a firm stand against N Korea & defend the states and territories of the United States of America & American allies on the Korean peninsula.
This morning, N Korea launched its sixth short-range missile since Monday’s nuclear test. N Korea has also stated that it is no longer bound by the 1953 armistice that ended the Korean War. Further, Øbama has proposed a $1.4 billion reduction of the Missile Defense Agency’s budget.
“The United Nations sanctions have failed to stop North Korea’s development of nuclear weapons, & the Obama Administration cannot afford to be playing catch-up to an irrational dictator like Kim Jong-Il,” said The Governor. “Missile Defense Agency funding must be fully restored in the federal budget to guarantee our protective measures remain the best in the world. Fort Greely plays a crucial role in the nation’s security.”
Alaska is home to the largest ground-based mid-course defense missile shield in N America. Because of its geographical position & proximity to potential targets, Alaska plays a critical role in national security & in the defense of American allies.
Ground missile defense is the cornerstone of the Missile Defense Agency’s multi-layered architecture. It is designed to detect, track, discriminate, intercept & destroy long- & intermediate-range ballistic missiles during the mid-course phase of flight. The weapons system consists of land-, sea- & space-based sensors, command & control operations, & silo-based interceptors that are located at Vandenberg AFB, California & Fort Greely.
Defense Secretary Gates will visit Alaska Monday & Sen. Mark Begich will take him on a tour of the same missile defense site in Fort Greely that he has cut funding for. Lets hope Governor Palin provides Gates with & earful about his & the president's short-sightedness.
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