(VIDEO) Palin on FBN: Obama Can 'Pretend,' But Has 'No Desire' to Move to the Center
Tuesday, February 08, 2011
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ERIC BOLLING, "FOLLOW THE MONEY" HOST: Well, I recall, I believe it was on the campaign trail when he met a plumber named Joe, who said you know, we need to spread the wealth a little bit. I think that seems pretty far left, no?
SARAH PALIN, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR/FORMER ALASKA GOVERNOR: It's far left. And Eric, here's the deal, what we need to remember is from henceforth, after hearing that comment he just made, he has no intention, he could maybe pretend, he could kind of fake some of it that he's moving to the center, but no, fundamentally he has no desire to move to the center, he just said that to Bill O'Reilly. He just said, essentially, denied the need to move to the center.