Popular Palin: 120+ Political Campaign & 950+ Speaking Engagement Invitations
Mike Allen, at the Politico, reported that Governor Palin has received 1,070 invitation since her resignation as the governor of Alaska. Pretty impressive and, of course, the MSM will naturally do its best to ignore this news.
This is an important piece of news because the MSM so enjoys attacking Gov Palin at every opportunity. For Example, it was reported that Gov Palin was invited to and will attend the GOP Senate Fundraiser, The Simi Valley Republican Women’s Club and The Change Point Church in Anchorage. Each of these organizations were so enthusiastic about having Gov Palin attend their event they prematurely jump-the-gun and announced that she has been invited and has confirmed. Texas For Sarah Palin also reported that some organizations knowingly lie about inviting Gov Palin simply for self promotion. The latest news about Gov Palin traveling to Asia in September is only news until Gov Palin publicly confirms this event. The MSM naturally omits these facts and rushes to attack Gov with an amazing amount of exuberance. Gov Palin seems to be a victim of her own success and the MSM is, again, an embarrassment.
The MSM, including Gov Palin inspired sites such as HuffingtonPost.com and Dailykos.com (each dedicate 25% of there websites to Gov Palin), love inventing negative news about Palin when ever possible. Any attack on Gov Palin is really a sad attempt to protect the disaster and embarrassment that Obama is. So if you feel the need to respond to a disrespectful comment or an attack on Gov Palin simply reply with any number of facts demonstrating Obama is a disaster.
Gov Palin has also signed with the speakers’ bureau Washington Speakers Bureau, which also represents President George and The First Lady, Bob Woodward, Katie Couric, Alan Greenspan, Colin Powell and Rudy Giuliani. Gov Palin is also close to finishing her book, which is due out this spring from HarperCollins.
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