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Governor Palin Testifies On Outer Continental Shelf

Tuesday, April 14, 2009 0 Responses

April 14, 2009, Juneau, Alaska – Governor Sarah Palin today testified before Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar in a federal hearing in Anchorage, urging the Obama administration to stand by Salazar’s confirmation hearing statement favoring “wise, responsible use of conventional fuels,” such as the oil and gas resources found in abundance in the Outer Continental Shelf.

“Alaska has consistently supported oil and gas development in our OCS,” Governor Palin testified. “We have done so recognizing that certain areas should be exempted from leasing, or have seasonal drilling restrictions imposed to protect whale migrations. We have done so because we recognize the significance OCS development will have on the nation’s and the state’s economic and energy future. We have done so because we know oil and gas development can occur appropriately, while protecting the environment, the species and the people impacted. We have proven this can be done.


Governor Palin Speaks At Public Hearing Of Obama's Interior Secretary

Tuesday, April 14, 2009 0 Responses

Governor Palin spoke at Interior Secretary Ken Salazar's public meeting about oil and gas development this morning. Alaska's Congressional delegation and members of the general public also testified at the hearing.

Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar:
"The purpose of these meetings is to have an open, honest conversation with the American people to solicit the best information possible about an offshore energy plan" "A Comprehensive offshore energy plan will embrace the President’s commitment to a government that is open and inclusive and that makes decisions based on sound science and the public interest."


Governor Palin "Most Trusted" Republican According To New Survey

Tuesday, April 14, 2009 0 Responses

In a new poll by Politico and The Public Trust Monitor, 1,000 registered voters (more Dems-303 & Independents-402 then Republicans-215) were questioned.
Governor Palin was 1 point above Mitt Romney with Independents, 9 points above with Republicans, 2 points overall and only trailed Mitt with Democrats.
The Politico story covering the poll naturally distorted the results of Governor Palin:
The article in Politico spins the results as Governor Palin "attracted the highest percentage of those who did not trust her at all to identify the right solutions, topping Pelosi 33% to 32%." FABRICATED BY POLITICO!!!!
Governor Palin also had the "Highest Trust" rating for any political figure after Obama and this is with 80% of those polled NOT being Republicans.
The Politico article and the Official Public Trust Monitor Poll links are below:


HBO Movie About Governor Palin And 08 Election

Tuesday, April 14, 2009 0 Responses

HBO Films has optioned "Game Change: Obama and the Clintons, McCain and Palin, and the Race of a Lifetime," an in-the-works Harper Collins book by political writers Mark Halperin and John Heilemann.
The pay network has hired "Blood Diamond" scribe Charles Leavitt to adapt the behind-the-scenes look at the 2008 presidential election from the perspective of the candidates and their respective camps.
Halperin is editor-at-large at Time magazine, and Heilemann is national political correspondent for New York magazine. They will be consultants for the film.
The book will be published early next year.
Heilemann and Halperin have covered other presidential campaigns, but while returning from a John McCain event, they began musing that the larger-than-life characters in the 2008 election would lend themselves to a movie more than past candidates such as John Kerry, Al Gore or Bob Dole.


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