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Fox Poll: Governor Sarah Palin Dominates Another 2012 Poll

Monday, October 26, 2009 2 Responses
Fox News posted yet another 2012 poll and as usual Governor Palin more then tripled the votes cast of the  number 2 candidate.  This poll had 3,357 votes cast with Sarah Palin at 49%, Mitt Romney 16%, Mike Huckabee 15%, Newt Gingrich 5% and Tim Pawlenty 5%.

As I monitored this poll I observed Romney and Huckabee supporters contacted first (Facebook, MySpace, Freerepublic, PAC) too vote & spread the word but Sarah Palin still stayed way ahead.  Soon after the world spread and Palin, Pawlenty & Newt supporters caught on and all the candidate’s supporters were voting & spreading the word. 

The enthusiasm with Governor Palin’s supporters has little comparison and is some instances she is winning over the Obama youth population.  The primary reason is in this Obama economy those low on the totem poll, many young part-timers and newly hired, get fired first.  Those 18 to 30 have realized Obama is not only a disaster but a hardcore communist, racist and very very ashamed of our United States.  As they watch in horror Obama is handing over our sovereignty to the U.N. and he gets closer to his ultimate goal of UN Secretary General the young have realized Obama is a self-righteous ass and only Governor Palin has put him in his place.  Governor Palin has again and again demonstrated she is the only candidate with any balls and can easily put Obama on the defense and even confuse the moron. 

As someone in the 18 to 30 group I have seen many young people now view Obama has a sad joke they wish would go away.  I have also enjoyed seeing the Obama Joker Socialism signs pop up all over South Florida, from West Palm Beach to Key West, most likely posted by the 18 to 30 population.  Another point I find interesting is some individuals claim Governor Palin is either to divisive or to damaged. What these small minded individuals do not realize is they are simply allowing the left (this is why they attack Gov Palin) to shape their opinion.   As we get closer to 2012 and Governor Palin’s support grows the left will get more desperate, Obama will continue to lose support and she will be the only clear choice to bring down the “Tele-prompter of the 57 United States”.  Of the five states with low unemployment, low taxes, a large budget surplus 2 governors and states come to mind.  Alaska and Texas have Governor’s that run/ran the state like an efficient, customer oriented and profit seeking business so I say Palin / Perry 2012!!

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