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Gov Palin Called It: Obama Loans $10 billion & Soros Invests $811 Million In Petrobas

Thursday, August 20, 2009 2 Responses

On Wednesday, August 19, 2009 Governor Palin commented on Obama Sending Billions Overseas To Appease Environmentalists and she apparently saw that something was fishy. She questioned why the US is investing even $1 overseas for energy when we have the need at home. Well now we know! Obama & cronies have guaranteed $10 billion in loans to Pertrobas but what is more disturbing is socialist Soros invested $811 million in the same company. He must have an inside source?

Bloomberg reported Obama Financier George Soros bought a $811 million stake in Petrobas Brazil SA, making the Brazilian state-controlled oil company his investment fund's largest holding. As of June 30, the stake in Petrobras, as the Rio de Janeiro-based oil producer is known, made up 22% of the $3.68 billion of stocks and American depositary receipts held by Soros Fund Management LLC, according to a filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Petrobras has since slumped 28%.

Oddly enough, Oil Online reported Pertobas has secured a loan of 10 billion in US tax dollars from Obama:

The U.S. government is prepared to provide up to $10 billion in loans to finance the development of massive hydrocarbon reserves off Brazil’s coast, a Brazilian official said Wednesday.

Obama’s national security adviser, Gen. James Jones, discussed the matter with officials this week during a visit to the South American country, Brazilian Planning Minister Paulo Bernardo da Silva told reporters. He said the U.S. Export-Import Bank already has signed a letter of intent in that regard with Brazilian state oil company Petrobras.

Coincidence or dirty politics? It looks like Obama is once again paying back his friends. I hope everyone likes the “Change.” God help us all!


The Reagan/Palin Model For Leadership

Thursday, August 20, 2009 1 Response

Christopher G. Adamo, of, wrote a very nice piece on the similarities of Reagan and Palin’s leadership styles. Mr Adamo is a managing partner of Best American Buy an e-commerce business that markets American made products (we should always try to purchase) including the incomparable Abigail Adams Bedspread Set from Bates Mills. Contact information for Chris Adamo, and his archives, can be found at I posted part of the article:

The health care fight is far from over. Barack Obama has invested the entirety of his political capital into his aggressive strategy for passing some form of medical socialism during his term. Yet it is clear that the playing field has changed and the Democrats are now completely on the defensive.


Senate Minority Mitch McConnell (R.-KY), suggest a general Republican timidity in executing a frontal counterattack on pro-socialized health care forces. In an August 10 interview on Fox News, McConnell stated, “We’d like to make a deal, but we’d like to make the right kind of deal. I mean this is not about embarrassing anybody politically. This is about getting it right.”

Hardly the stuff of impassioned leadership, McConnell’s insipid comment reflects a tired and compliant mindset among too many Republicans on Capitol Hill who seem to have forgotten how to relate to the people of the heartland.


Yet past and present, certain fearless individuals who, despite a barrage of media ridicule have been exhibiting the qualities of true leadership, are showing how to effectively confront this issue. And by example they reveal the proper manner by which to thwart all of the other inroads on the American ideal from the left. The strategy is not new, and it has a clear track record of success, both for the issue at hand and for the political benefit of the individuals who champion it. As such it should be considered and embraced by principled officeholders who are not intimidated at the prospect of liberal media derision.

In 1961, Ronald Reagan made an actual LP record of his commentary opposing socialized medicine that is currently being widely circulated throughout the Internet. It is profound in two respects. First, its pertinence, on a point-by-point basis, to the topic in its current form, four dozen years after Reagan discussed it, proves that the principles of right versus left, and conservatism as a safeguard against the liberal deconstruction of America still stand as they always have. Secondly, by his courageous willingness to strike hard at the issue, Reagan contributed to its ultimate defeat.

Fast forward to 2009, and another bold and courageous public figure once again sets the right example. Alaska Governor and vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin, making good on her promise to carry the torch for conservatism, accurately and bluntly characterized one provision of the socialized health care bill as “death panels,” to describe bureaucratic boards empowered to make “end of life” decisions for elderly and acutely ill patients.

When making her pronouncement, Palin could have had no illusions about the tenor of ensuing criticism she received. The liberal media punditry did not temper its scorn for her as it sought on numerous occasions to trivialize and even deny her contention. Yet it quickly became evident that such efforts were not advancements of the liberal standard, but defensive reactions. Obama himself responded, insisting that the characterization was false.

Many contended that no such provisions existed in any form of the bill. In the end however, the “nonexistent” verbiage was removed from the existing version of the legislation.

Clearly, Palin’s bold assessment of this glaring and dangerous aspect of the envisioned government “health care” program has hit its mark. It is obvious that America’s senior citizens have heard the alarm she sounded and are responding to it. Sixty thousand seniors have quit the AARP upon their realization of that organization’s undeniably leftist agenda, and nobody can credibly deny Palin’s educating effect on them.

If real America does not lose heart, and continues to express its righteous outrage, the Congress, despite Democrat majorities, will have to listen to the people and this issue can be defeated. Real conservative leadership is needed to stay the course in defeating this as well as every other clammy tentacle of liberal government expansion. Once again, Sarah Palin has shown the way.

Full Article At:


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