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Governor Palin: Poised To Become America’s 1st Female President (Book Review)

Sunday, May 10, 2009 0 Responses

Sarah Palin is indeed poised to not only be the first female President, she is poised to be the next President of the United States.
Governor Sarah Palin is a true American original. She is a self made woman. A strong woman. A woman who has met every challenge in her life head on, and prevailed.
Governor Palin is the very embodiment of the American spirit. She is hard working, down to earth, and very personable. She is also an incredibly driven woman, and a true reformer. Someone who has never let corruption in government slide.

And that’s a point that the author of the latest book about Governor Palin, “Sarah Palin Poised To Become America’s First Female President” makes very, very well. The author, Recaldo Ochoa, a history teacher who focuses on American history and government, proves he knows his subject very well. This is a well put together book on Sarah Palin, and a fun read. It was obviously a labor of love, and a family project, with his son and daughter helping with cover design and illustrations.
Mr Ochoa takes us from Sarah’s earliest days growing up in the Alaskan wilderness, through her days as a reformer in Wasilla, Alaska, to her huge fight against corruption at the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, where she was Chairman, to her continued work in Alaska, as Governor, for a better future.

Mr Ochoa does a good job of explaining just how much skin Sarah had in the game in her fight against corruption at the AOGCC. Few people would have had the guts to take on the entire establishment of the Republican party, many of them friends, as well as the sitting Republican Governor, who appointed her as Chairman of the agency in the first place.
It was pure political suicide, something few would have been able to recover from, and yet, Sarah Palin did so in a very big way. Not only taking down the corrupt administration, but becoming a wildly successful leader, both at home, and across the nation.

I like this book, because it’s an easy read, well thought out, and reveals things many folks may not know. It’s a good primer for someone who doesn’t know a lot about Governor Palin’s early career. Something else that is appreciated, is the author’s own observations and comments. While not heavy handed, Mr Ochoa logically makes the case why Sarah Palin is poised to be not only our first female President, but our next President. He does this as only a great student and teacher of History could.

There are copious notes at the end of the book, to back up what Mr Ochoa asserts. Page after page of references. This will help the reader learn even more about Sarah Palin, and is really appreciated. The bottom line is I enjoyed this book. It would be especially helpful to folks new to Palin’s camp, as well as continued inspiration for us old timers! The book is definitely worth owning. “Sarah Palin..Poised To Become America’s First Female President.” Is available through or at your local bookstore.


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