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Sarah Palin Keynote At Fundraiser For ‘Special Needs Children’ In Atlanta (Full Schedule)

Monday, April 19, 2010 0 Responses

This night will be something you don't want to miss! In addition to Sarah Palin, we will also have other nationally known musicians performing and other celebrities as well. The purpose of the P.U.R.E. Celebration is to simply bring awareness to ordinary Christians of the needs and blessings of P.U.R.E. people and their families and encourage people as to how the church can corporately and personally help and be blessed.
We're going to have a great night of praise and worship! We have some wonderful things planned for the evening and will briefly introduce the wonderful message of P.U.R.E. ministry as well.  We have a special surprise Christian artist who will undoubtedly make the night really something to remember! The P.U.R.E. Celebration will in no way be a “political” event, but a “celebration” of what "can" be - what is in store for Christians and their local churches as they reach out to P.U.R.E. families in their communities.
Finally, we also will be announcing that night a number of P.U.R.E. Celebration Training Seminars to be held in several churches around metro Atlanta later this fall. These seminars are intended to help train and inform orbinary Christains that become excited, motivated, and inspired! At these seminars we will train you and your friends how exactly to start and grow P.U.R.E. Ministry in your local church.
Make plans now to join us on June 29 at the Gwinnett Arena for the P.U.R.E. Celebration!  

Full Schedule
February 5 - Salina, KS - Salina's Chamber of Commerce
February 6 - Nashville, TN - Keynote Speaker Tea Party Convention 
February 7 - Houston, TX - Campaign Rally for Governor Rick Perry,
February 8 - Redding, CA - Sierra Cascade
February 14 - Daytona, FL - Daytona 500 
February 15 - Daytona, FL- Daytona Chamber of Commerce
February 16 - Little Rock, AR - The Arkansas Republican Party 
March 5 - Columbus, OH - Ohio Right To Life
March 13 - Tulsa, OK - Take Our Country Back Tour
March 25 - Beaumont, TX  Get Motivated (8am)
March 25 - Midland, TX  Liberty & Freedom Foundation (2pm & Not Confirmed)
March 25 - Midland, TX  Petroleum Club (6:15pm & Not Confirmed)
March 26 & 27 - Arizona - Campaigning for Senator John McCain
March 27 - Searchlight, NV - Kickoff for Tea Party Express
April 6 - Las Vegas, NV - Keynote speaker, 2010 Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of America Convention
April 7 - Minnesota - Campaigning for Congresswoman Michele Bachmann 
April 14 - Boston, MA - Stop on The Tea Party Express
April 15 - Hamilton, ON - Charity of Hope
April 16 - Louisville, KY - Women Of Joy
April 22 - Houston, TX - Barbara Bush's Literacy Foundation's "A Celebration of Reading"
April 23 - Eugene, OR - Lane County Republican Party Fundraiser
May 1 - Independence, MO - Preserving American Liberty
May 2 - Wichita, KS - Bethel Life School fundraiser
May 12 - Chicago, IL - Rosemont Theartre or Ticket-master
May 11 - Birmingham, AL - Rainbow Omega
May 13 - Benton Harbor, MI - Economic Club of Southwestern Michigan
May 14 - Charlotte, NC - NRA Annual Convention
May 19 - Richmond, VA - Sarah Palin at Get Motivated! Seminar 
May 22 - Denver, CO -  An Evening With Sarah Palin 
June 4 - Charlotte,  NC - 'America, The Greatest Nation' Dinner 
June 5 - Charlotte, NC - Blue-ridge Educational Resource Group
June 26 -  Tyler, TX - An Evening With Sarah Palin
June 29 - Atlanta, GA - The P.U.R.E. Ministry
June 30 - Las Vegas, NV - Sarah Palin Speech to BPAA Convention
August 28 - Washington, DC - Governor Palin at Restoring Honor Rally
September 12 - Missoula, MT - Sarah Palin at fundraiser for Teen Challenge
September 13 - Kansas City, OK - Sarah Palin speaks to Vitae Foundation 
September 16 - Louisville, KY - The National Quartet Convention
October 7 - Montgomery, AL - Faulkner University Benefit Dinner
October 9 - Bakersfield, CA - Bakersfield Business Conference


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