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Sarah Palin To Our Heros: Memorial Day, to Remember Past & Present Sacrifice

Sunday, May 30, 2010 2 Responses
“Let no neglect, no ravages of time, testify to the present or to the coming generations that we have forgotten as a people the cost of a free and undivided republic.”
- General Orders No.11, Grand Army of the Republic Headquarters, May 5, 1868
This weekend, as we enjoy time with family and friends, we should stop and remember the meaning of this national holiday. Memorial Day is a uniquely American holiday that finds its origins in the aftermath of our Civil War, when our country searched for a proper way to commemorate the many who had fallen in the long struggle to end slavery and unify our nation.
Today, we remember all of those throughout our history and to this very day who gave their lives serving our country in uniform. Our prayers are especially with the surviving family members for whom everyday is memorial day, as they live on remembering their loved ones who died selflessly to protect the freedoms we hold dear.
And on Memorial Day, let us also remember all veterans, past and present, because everyone who wears the uniform and swears the oath is willing to make that ultimate sacrifice for America. So, in honoring them let’s keep in mind this version of a popular poem as we show respect for those willing to sacrifice all for our exceptional country:
“It is the veteran, not the preacher, who has given us freedom of religion.
It is the veteran, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the press.
It is the veteran, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech.
It is the veteran, not the campus organizer, who has given us freedom to assemble.
It is the veteran, not the lawyer, who has given us the right to a fair trial.
It is the veteran, not the politician, who has given us the right to vote.
It is the veteran, who salutes the flag, who serves under the flag, and whose coffin will be draped by the flag.”
- Sarah Palin
(Enjoy this version of the poem recited by Fred Thompson.)


Letters To (WaPost) Editor: A lamestream Analysis of Sarah Palin

Saturday, May 29, 2010 0 Responses
Regarding Ruth Marcus's May 26 column, "Sarah Palin's lamestream thinking":
I heard Ms. Palin's comments about President Obama and "Big Oil" and drew an entirely different conclusion. I do not think Ms. Palin meant to imply that Obama is in the pocket of Big Oil; I think she meant to imply that the mainstream (lamestream) media have been incredibly reluctant to investigate the remote possibility that Obama may have been influenced by his energy industry contributions. By contrast, she implied that if George W. Bush were still president, the equally remote possibility that he may have been influenced by oil company contributions would have been trumpeted in high-profile investigative reports and opinion pieces for weeks or months.
What the lamestream media continually fail to understand is that Ms. Palin is a talented ironist with a biting wit and a deftness in skewering opponents by drawing simple, stark contrasts. Like all good ironists, the contrasts she draws are rarely what opponents perceive them to be. She is not stupid or sloppy; she is sharp and pointed -- if you are sympathetic to her point of view.
Malcolm Bliss, Arlington


The Lighter Side of Sarah Palin

Friday, May 28, 2010 0 Responses
Sarah Palin’s post-gubernatorial career has been shaped, and misshaped, by a media strategy heavy on knee-jerk combativeness, with a not insignificant dose of victim’s complex thrown in. Her ceaseless campaign against the perceived distortions of the mainstream media routinely crosses from defensiveness into confrontation, and even paranoia. Her recent defenses of Rand Paul and Nikki Haley — two conservatives facing starkly different political challenges — were remarkably similar boilerplate condemnations of “gotcha politics” and “media corruption” that managed to reduce the pair’s trials to her own persecution.  

Palin’s prickliness has received a good deal of media attention, which makes sense. The gossip media’s laser-sighted focus on her every move — not to mention its fixation on the details of her personal life, from Andrew Sullivan’s obstetrical obsession to Joe McGinniss’s stalker journalismis inherently creepy and frequently unfair, and it warrants a firm response. Palin’s conservative following, from Facebook to Fox News, is constitutionally disposed to suspicion of the politico-journalistic complex, and helps beat the drum from her side. Likewise, when the press gets hit by a force whose social-media reach alone exceeds most newspaper circulations, it tends to take notice.  […]

Similarly, when the since-deposed late-night king Conan O’Brien created an Internet sensation by having William Shatner recite lines from Palin’s book Going Rogue as spoken-word poetry — Captain Kirk diction, bongo accompaniment and all — Palin didn’t get mad, she got even. She could have ignored the meme (her fan demographic overlaps very little with O’Brien’s), but she instead elected to appear herself on the show — and read lines from Shatner’s autobiography.
She’s even doing combinations now. At a recent endorsement rally in Colorado, Palin favorably noted an audience member’s sign that read “I Can See November From My House,” a reference to the unfortunate McCain-campaign talking point that the proximity of Russia to Alaska helped establish Palin’s bona fides on foreign policy. Palin called the slogan “palm-worthy.”
As Palin matures into a force in the conservative movement, she would do well to show America more of this side of her. She must learn that not taking oneself too seriously does not make one unserious (unless, of course, you’re Michael Steele). In the process, she can gain something that both the lazy media caricatures of her and her incessant counterattacks lack: a third dimension.


Sarah Palin's Father Endorses Tim James For Governor Of Alabama

Thursday, May 27, 2010 2 Responses
Montgomery, AL - Sarah Palin’s father and brother, Chuck Heath Sr. and Chuck Heath Jr., have endorsed Republican gubernatorial candidate Tim James for governor of Alabama.
Chuck Heath, Sr. says, “I’m all for him. He’s my kind of guy. I’m very impressed with him.”
Heath met with Tim James earlier in the year at the Rainy Day Patriots’ TEA Party rally on Tax Day, April 15, in the Birmingham area. While there was some political conversation, the majority of the time was spent by the two men talking about their mutual love of hunting and the outdoors.
James said upon hearing the news, “I thoroughly enjoyed meeting the Heaths earlier this year. Just like Sarah Palin, they are down-to-earth people who love our country, believe in true conservative values, and know the importance of taking care of the natural resources our country has been blessed with. I am thrilled with this endorsement.”
Chuck Heath, Jr. says they think hard and long before endorsing any candidate. “We’re really selective and endorse very few people. We feel really comfortable with Tim James.”
He says they heard a lot about Tim and when the family met him they knew immediately he shared the same true conservative ideas and values. Heath, Jr. added that Tim James “clearly has a passion for hunting and the outdoors.” “Most importantly,” the Heaths say, “Tim James will slash government spending and protect citizens against tax increases.”


Sarah Palin Interview On Glenn Beck Discussing New Neighbor, New Fence & 8/28 Rally Appearance

Wednesday, May 26, 2010 1 Response


Sarah Palin: Join Me For Smaller More Accountable Government

Tuesday, May 25, 2010 1 Response
Here’s a great forum for those who believe it’s time to stand up and be heard! From the tea party movement to the town halls, we’ve seen Americans rise up and make their voices heard. From the bailouts to the wasteful stimulus spending bill to the $2.5 trillion health care take over, Washington stopped listening to us average everyday hardworking Americans... so we’re doing something about that. 
Today a new website was launched to change the situation!
Led by Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives, a new project is now launched called “America Speaking Out” which is aimed at giving us a direct role in putting together a new policy agenda for our country based on the principles of smaller, more accountable government. 
Check out the website at America Speaking Out .com and make your voices heard. 
It’s time to take back our government and put it on our side. Remember it’s “We the People”!
- Sarah Palin


Sarah Palin On Big Oil: Learning from Alaska’s Experience

Tuesday, May 25, 2010 0 Responses
Many Americans want a serious discussion about what can be done to finally tackle the Gulf Coast oil spill. Unfortunately, yesterday White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs used his appearance on “Face the Nation” to deflect from the needed discussion about solutions as he suggested that I should “get slightly more informed as to what’s going on in and around oil drilling in this country.”
Mr. Gibbs’ comments were in response to something I said last weekend in an interview on “Fox News Sunday.” In the course of discussing the administration’s failure to get to grips with the oil spill, I pointed out that the media was rather silent on asking if there was a connection between the White House’s hands-off response to the spill and the undisputed fact that Barack Obama was BP’s top recipient of both PAC and individual money for the last 20 years. Please note that I never claimed there was a conspiratorial connection; rather, I was saying that it’s odd that so few in the media have asked that question. In fact, I believe Major Garrett is one of the few reporters to pursue the issue. You can be sure that if this were a Republican administration, at the very least the media would be asking that question nonstop.
As for getting “informed” about oil drilling: I’m confident that in the course of my chairmanship of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (AOGCC) and the U.S.’s Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission (IOGCC), and my work as governor of our nation’s huge oil producing state, I’ve learned enough to be able to say with some certainty that the White House’s response to this crisis leaves something to be desired. I also believe that the White House should spend all of its time finding solutions to the enormous oil gush problem.
The Obama administration claims that it “will not rest until we get this situation under control,” but in practice it’s evident that it must do more to stop a potential environmental disaster from happening. U.S. Coast Guard Commandant Thad Allen probably summed it up best when he described the Obama Administration’s approach to this crisis as “keeping a close watch” while BP is tackling the problem – at the company’s own pace. 
While the Administration watches from the sidelines, the Gulf Coast states face some potential disaster. This raises serious questions. Should it really take nine whole days before the Administration asked the Department of Defense for help in deploying equipment needed for the extreme depth spill site? Why is Governor Jindal still waiting, 35 days later, for material needed to tackle the oil spill to protect the coast’s environment and for federal approval to build offshore sand barriers to protect his state’s coast line? Is it correct that the Coast Guard was initially unwilling to burn off the oil for fear of causing air pollution (which would have been far less harmful than the current water pollution)?
These questions all require answers. In the meantime, let me make a constructive suggestion to help the White House out of its current impasse. They should reach out to the best oil and gas team in the nation and tap into its expertise. I know just the team: Alaska’s Department of Natural Resources, led by Commissioner Tom Irwin. Having worked with Tom and his DNR team as Governor, I can vouch for their expertise and their integrity in dealing with Big Oil and overseeing its developments.
This team’s (and Alaska’s PSIO team’s) expertise on oil spill issues is particularly relevant. We all lived and worked through the Exxon oil spill, and we all committed to the principle that this would never happen again in Alaska’s waters, at least not on our watch. That’s why we created the Petroleum Systems Integrity Office (PSIO) when we saw proof of improper maintenance of oil infrastructure in our state. And that’s why we instituted new oversight and held BP and other oil companies financially accountable for poor maintenance practices. And that’s why we cracked down on unethical and unsound practices by oil companies and their contractors that operate in Alaska. And that’s why I filed a Friend-of-the-Court brief against Exxon’s interests for its decades-old responsibility to compensate victims adversely affected by the Exxon-Valdez oil spill. None of these actions made us popular with oil company management. (In fact, Commissioner Irwin received a message from a North Slope oil company employee that summed up their view of our efforts well: the message told him to “go to hell, but resign first.”) Our relationship with Big Oil may have been perceived as contentious because we always put the interests of Alaskans first.
The White House could do worse than emulate what Alaska did over the years. No, it doesn’t make you popular with Big Oil (my commissioners and I certainly learned that!), and you may see fewer campaign contributions flow your way – but so what? Dealing with the impacts of 35 days of uncontrolled oil flow into pristine waters is more than enough time for the White House to realize they need to tap into expertise, hold BP accountable, and not waste time politicking around such a grave situation.
Taking a tough stand to protect our environment while domestically drilling for much-needed energy sources is the only way the public can trust government and industry to safely work towards energy independence. We need to “Drill, baby, drill” responsibly, safely, and ethically. That’s the way Alaska’s DNR accomplishes its mission in America’s 49th state.
- Sarah Palin


Sarah Palin Propels Nikki Haley (SC-Gov) Into 1st & The Attacks Begin!!

Monday, May 24, 2010 1 Response
Well, whaddya know? South Carolina’s conservative candidate, Nikki Haley, recently zipped to the front of the line in her state’s race for governor; and lo and behold, now accusations of an affair surface.
Nikki categorically denies the accusation that was spewed out there by a political blogger who has the gall to throw the stone, but then quickly duck and hide and proclaim he would not comment further on the issue. Quite convenient. 
When Nikki and I held her endorsement rally on the steps of the beautiful and historic South Carolina state house last month, I warned her and her family that she would be targeted because she’s a threat to a corrupt political machine, and she would be put through some hell. That, unfortunately, is the nature of the beast in politics today – especially for conservative “underdog” candidates who surge in the polls and threaten to shake things up so government can be put back on the side of the people. 
South Carolina: don’t let some blogger make any accusation against your Nikki if the guy doesn’t even have the guts or the integrity to speak further on such a significant claim. And don’t believe anything a liberal rag claims or suggests unless the reporter involved has the integrity and the facts to report to you so you can make up your own mind. For traditional media to rely on an accusation via some blog entry is almost laughable, but I know the seriousness of it because that’s exactly what my family and colleagues have had to put up with, every single day, for the past couple of years. 
As I said to Nikki this morning, “Hang in there. I’ve been there. Any lies told about you will strengthen your resolve to clean up political and media corruption. You and your supporters will grow stronger through things like this.”
Reaching her from Wasilla, I then joked with Nikki that I was calling her from one of the many locations the lamestream media claims I moved to. (Let’s see, I think the last I heard I was living in the Hamptons, or was it Montana? No, supposedly L.A. is where they claim I moved when I “left Todd” in their idiotic reports.)
South Carolina friends, don’t let ‘em just make things up.
- Sarah Palin


(Video) Sarah Palin On Fox: BP Has Given $3.5 Million To Dems With Largest Amount To Obama

Sunday, May 23, 2010 0 Responses


(Video) Sarah Palin’s Full Speech At Vaughn Ward Rally Boise

Saturday, May 22, 2010 2 Responses


(Video) Sarah Palin In Boise For Ward: Media Has Violated Our Freedom Of The Press

Friday, May 21, 2010 0 Responses
ABC Boise: Tea Party Boise’s Reaction To Palin

Tea Party Boise’s Reaction To Palin

NBC Boise: Why is Sarah Palin in Boise? Vaughn Ward defends campaign

Fox News Boise: Campaign Prepping for Palin Visit

Gov. Sarah Palin took the stage at about 11:30 a.m. She made mention that her luggage hadn't arrived. 
  • "I'm in borrowed clothes, again ... The more things change, the more they stay the same," Palin joked. Palin talked about the "hometown feel" of Idaho, describing residents as unpretentious, hard-working, patriotic, average Americans.
Palin, who was born in Sandpoint and graduated from the University of Idaho, talked about her Idaho roots. Her father taught school and coached in Sandpoint. She mentioned others in her family who'd graduated from Idaho colleges.
  • "We're all a bunch of potato heads," Palin said. Palin said her father didn't make it to Boise today because he was busy getting a new hunting dog. "Does that tell you anything about the home I grew up in? Politics or hunting dogs?" Palin said.
  • "It's one of the highlights of his life," (father is a huge Boise State Broncos fan). "We need someone to take a stand against the big government agenda of Nancy Pelosi," she said.  Palin also talked about fixing "that ObamaCare scheme that was forced down our throats."
  • She said the media is afraid of Ward because he's a threat to "the left's hold on the First District." She told the crowd to hold the media accountable when they "twist and turn what Vaughn said." She referred back to her education at the University of Idaho, where she got a degree in communications. 
She said she learned then the "who, what, where, when and why," but she said modern journalists have strayed from the traditional journalistic values. "I think it's appalling and a violation of our freedom of the press," Palin said.
She made only one reference to Democratic Congressman Walt Minnick. Minnick, the incumbent, has gained a reputation for a very conservative voting record. But Palin implied that isn't enough. "Walt, it's who you're hangin' with," Palin said
  • “I like those bumper stickers that say, ‘You can keep the change,’” Sarah Palin told the crowd in Boise. She called Vaughn Ward “the real thing,” saying he’s pro-gun and pro-life. “Vaughn has been courageous enough to serve our country and fight for you, fight for all Americans, serving in the Iraq war,” she said. 
  • “Those are the qualities we need in leaders today who like Vaughn can go to Washington and take back a majority for common-sense conservatives, who understand the constitution, and they understand that freedom isn’t free, freedom is a God-given right and is worth fighting for.” That won Palin a loud cheer and round of applause. 


Sarah Palin Endorses Clint Didier For US Senate Washington State

Thursday, May 20, 2010 0 Responses
The Right Game Plan for Victory in America with #86.  I’m proud to support Clint Didier as he willingly puts it all on the line to serve Washington state in the U.S. Senate for all the right reasons! This selfless, inspiring commonsense constitutional conservative will help put our country on the right track. 
Please visit Clint’s website here, and follow him on Facebook and Twitter
Let’s get behind #86!
- Sarah Palin


Sarah Palin On Fox Business: Endorsements, BP Oil Spill, Obama’s Socialism & US Border States

Wednesday, May 19, 2010 2 Responses
Sarah Palin on Putting America Back on Track

Sarah Palin: Every Border State Should Have Arizona’s Law

Sarah Palin: We Cannot Continue on Road Toward Socialism

Sarah Palin on BP Oil Spill, Terrorism


Sarah Palin On Hannity: RNC Establishment, Rand Paul, PA-12 & Taking Back Congress

Wednesday, May 19, 2010 0 Responses
Sarah Palin On Hannity: RNC Establishment, Rand Paul, PA-12 & Taking Back Congress

Elections Across US & Sarah Palin NM Endorsement Discussed On Fox News


Sarah Palin: More Apologies From Obama & His Embarrassing Administration

Tuesday, May 18, 2010 1 Response
On Fox News this morning, State Department Spokesman P.J. Crowley became the third Obama administration official in short succession to admit that he hadn’t actually bothered to read Arizona’s 10-page long “secure the border” bill before condemning it and criticizing Americans who support Arizona’s necessary efforts to do the job the Obama Administration should be doing. Crowley’s statement follows similar admissions from Attorney General Eric Holder and Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano
At first blush this revelation seemed unbelievable, but maybe I shouldn’t be surprised. This now seems “the Washington way” of doing things. If the party in power tells us they have to pass bills in order to find out what’s actually in them, they can also criticize bills (and divide the country with ensuing rhetoric) without actually reading them. 
Still I can’t help but feel outraged on behalf of Arizona’s citizens for the incompetence shown by these Administration officials. Arizonans have the courage to do what the Obama administration has failed to do in its first year and a half in office – namely secure our border and enforce our federal laws. And as a result, Arizonans have been subjected to a campaign of baseless accusations by the same people who freely admit they haven’t a clue about what they’re actually campaigning against. 
The absolute low point of this campaign came last Friday, when a U.S. State Department delegation met with Chinese negotiators to discuss human rights. Apparently, our State Department felt it necessary to make their Chinese guests feel less bad about their own record of human rights abuses by repeatedly atoning for American “sins” – including, it seems, the Arizona immigration/pro-border security law. Asked if Arizona came up at all during the meeting, Assistant Secretary of State Michael Posner answered
“We brought it up early and often. It was mentioned in the first session, and as a troubling trend in our society and an indication that we have to deal with issues of discrimination or potential discrimination, and that these are issues very much being debated in our own society.”
Note that he said “We brought it up” – not the Chinese, but the U.S. State Department’s own delegation. Instead of grilling the Chinese about their appalling record on human rights, the State Department continued the unbelievable apology tour by raising “early and often” Arizona’s decision to secure our border. 
Arizona’s law, which just mirrors the federal law, simply allows the police to ask those whom they have already stopped for some form of identification like a driver’s license. By what absurd stretch of the imagination is that the moral equivalent of China’s lack of freedoms, population controls (including forced abortions), censorship, and arbitrary detentions
Surely our U.S. Ambassador to China, John Huntsman, must disagree with the Obama Administration’s continued apology tour? We have nothing to apologize for. If Administration officials want to apologize to anyone, apologize to the American people for the fact that after a year and a half in office, they still haven’t done anything to secure our borders, and they join our President in making false suggestions about Arizona’s effort.
- Sarah Palin


Gov Sarah Palin & Jan Brewer Join Forces: Secure The Border.Org, Video & Petition

Monday, May 17, 2010 0 Responses


(4 Part Video) Sarah Palin On Greta: Obama do your job. Secure our border!

Monday, May 17, 2010 0 Responses
Sarah Palin: 'I'm Going to Call It As I See It'

Sarah Palin: Oil Execs Playing Blame Game

Sarah Palin: Greece Can Be a Valuable Lesson for Us

Web Exclusive: What Sarah Palin Would Ask Obama

Let’s respect the hardworking, accomplished legal immigrants who sacrificed much, contributed selflessly, and helped build America into the greatest melting pot on earth! We need to understand the importance of America’s fair immigration laws.
Erasing U.S. borders will destroy our country as we become less safe – and this national security issue is what Arizona and other border states are addressing with reinforcement of federal immigration laws. They have to do it because the feds aren’t doing it.
I spoke with Arizona Governor Jan Brewer yesterday, and she reminded U.S. citizens that, despite President Obama’s ignoring this grave national security threat, his dismissal of the need for border security is no laughing matter – and it’s being used as a political tool to divide her state along racial lines.
The Arizona immigration law mirrors the fed’s own law. It sure would be helpful if the Obama Administration would read the short 10-page bill before laughing about it and condemning it. And it would be helpful if the media would actually read it before twisting reports on its content.
Log on to to learn more and show your support for our sister state of Arizona!
We’re all Arizonans now and we say with clear unity: “Mr. President, do your job. Secure our border.”
- Sarah Palin


(Video) Sarah Palin: I’m Proud To Endorse Susana Martinez For Governor Of New Mexico

Monday, May 17, 2010 0 Responses

I’m proud to endorse Susana Martinez for governor of New Mexico. Susana is a strong pro-family, pro-life, pro-Second Amendment, pro-development fiscal conservative who’s going to fight the corruption that’s plagued her state and bring transparency, accountability, and renewed fiscal vitality to New Mexico.
As a tough district attorney, Susana fights for justice everyday in this promising, beautiful state. Her unwavering commitment to bring justice speaks to her determination and strength of character.
As governor, Susana will lead New Mexico to a new economic vitality based on free market reform that cuts out the cronyism, invites competition, reduces taxes, cuts waste, and creates jobs – all while identifying and rooting out the corruption that has taken hold for too long in this state which deserves so much better!
Please join me in supporting this breath of fresh air from the Land of Enchantment – the gorgeous state of New Mexico! Visit her website here, and follow her on Facebook and Twitter
I’m also excited to join Susana at the 9:00 am rally tomorrow, Sunday, May 16th, at the Albuquerque Marriott Grand Ballroom, located at 2101 Louisiana Blvd. NE. Space is limited, so please click here to RSVP if you can swing by and join us.
- Sarah Palin


Sarah Palin: I’m Very Proud To Endorse Nikki Haley For Governor Of South Carolina

Friday, May 14, 2010 0 Responses
I’m very proud to add my voice to Jenny Sanford’s and others in endorsing Nikki Haley for governor of South Carolina. Nikki is a strong pro-life, pro-Second Amendment fiscal conservative who served with distinction as a state lawmaker, a reformer who fought her own party to protect the interests of the taxpayer, a proud daughter of immigrants who worked night and day to achieve the American dream, a wife of an officer in the Army National Guard, a board member at her family’s Methodist church, and – most proudly – the loving mother of two beautiful kids.
It’s my honor to join Nikki today at a rally at 5:30 pm at the statehouse in Columbia, South Carolina. If you are in the area, please come by and join us. 
In the meantime, Nikki needs our support in her race. She’s the scrappy underdog in a tough competitive primary. Please visit her website here, and follow her on Facebook and Twitter.
Let’s help this tough, proud daughter of South Carolina shake things up in the Palmetto state.
- Sarah Palin


Sarah Palin Discusses Girls B-Ball Controversy & Obama’s ‘Race To The Top’ on Fox News

Thursday, May 13, 2010 0 Responses
Palin on Arizona Tournament Controversy

Sarah Palin & Sec of Edu Arne Duncan talk about Obama's 'Race to the Top'


(Video) Sarah Palin Impresses GOP: Sold-Out Chicago Crowd, Big Money Raised & Obama Smack Down

Wednesday, May 12, 2010 2 Responses

Sarah Palin brought 4,100 Chicago-area fans to their feet Wednesday night, attacking President Obama, corrupt Illinois politicians and a Highland Park school that told its girl’s basketball team it could not go to the play-offs in Arizona.  “Them are fighting words when you say a girl can’t play in the basketball tournament, so we’re going to see about that,” she said.
Palin led off by saying, “I’m really glad to be here on the president’s home turf. ... The eyes of America are on this state, watching what will come out of the political process and the 2012 elections: If it can be done in Illinois, it can be done anywhere.”  She thanked Illinois for giving the world Ronald Reagan and the Tea Party movement.
“The 21st Century Tea Party movement, it starts right here in Chicago,” Palin said to cheers. “This is where it starts. So Illinois, your place in the history of this grass movement has been instrumental.”
Earlier, Palin impressed Illinois’ top Republicans willing to spend $500 to $25,000 at a fund-raiser for the state party.


“We talked about the situation in Illinois — the deficit, the high taxes, job creation,” said the party’s nominee for governor, State Sen. Bill Brady of Bloomington. “I told her, ‘Your being here is helping rally the troops and get the message out.’”

“She came in and was gracious enough to help us raise money,” said state Sen. Jim Durkin. “It was very low-key, no speeches. She just met with people and talked with them. She said we have the chance to win many seats. People were very eager to take out their check books.”

“She said this could be a good year for Republicans,” State GOP Chairman Patrick Brady said. “It was a moving experience,” said former GOP candidate for governor Adam Andrzejewski. “She was very personable. She was encouraging us to keep up the fight for reform in Illinois.”

Sarah Palin: 'Fighting words' when deny girls' team chance at play-offs


Governor Palin’s Speech at the Rainbow Omega Fundraiser, Birmingham, Alabama

Wednesday, May 12, 2010 0 Responses


Sarah Palin To Obama: Soldier Pay Decreases w/ Overspending & Gov Union Pay Raises?!?!

Monday, May 10, 2010 0 Responses
Tweet: Soldier pay decreases in the midst of overspending elsewhere and government union pay raises? Seriously? What are our priorities?

Facebook Post: Outrage: Obama Administration Targets Military for Pay Reductions
Obama — who came to power with the help of government employee unions across the nation and has lavished on them hundreds of billions in stimulus funds to keep them on federal, state and local payrolls with no strings attached — is moving to cut spending on salaries for military personnel.
This weekend The Washington Post headlined story, "Pentagon Asking Congress to Hold Back on Generous Increases in Troop Pay,” disclosed that the Obama administration is “pleading” with Congress to give military personnel a much smaller increase in pay than lawmakers have proposed.
The Pentagon contends that Congress simply has been too generous with troops during the past decade.  In fact, lawmakers have lavished so much money on troops, according to the Post, that service members are now better compensated than workers in the private sector with similar experience and education levels. 
For example, the military brass claims that an average sergeant in the Army with four years of service and one dependent would receive $52,589 in annual compensation, according to the paper. This figure includes basic pay, housing, and subsistence allowances, as well as tax benefits.
Meanwhile, a U.S. postal letter carrier, with no supervisory or hazardous duty, makes approximately $80,000 a year when all benefits are factored in.  Critics of the Obama administration’s efforts to cut soldier’s pay say America’s security has been strengthened by higher pay rates, as qualified veterans are re-enlisting at record rates, reversing the problem the military witnessed just a few years ago. […]

"What's hurtful," said Tradewell, a combat-wounded Vietnam veteran from Sussex, Wis., "is a continuing perception that DoD is more concerned about the budget than they are about recruiting and retaining a professional volunteer force that's been at war now for more than eight years." […]
But congressional supporters of the men and women in the Armed Services are questioning why they are being singled out for future pay cutbacks when other government agencies and unions are not.  The U.S. Postal Service, for example, is slated to give letter carriers an increase of 1.9 percent this coming year. 
And postal employees are considered to be grossly overpaid compared with their private counterparts. A postal supervisor, for example, can make $70,000 or year or more, plus significant benefits. 
Last year, Congress had to help fill a $3.8 billion deficit at the federally backed agency, but there has been no discussion of salary cuts for postal employees. Instead, postal officials have focused on reducing service, including Saturday delivery.

NewsMax Post:


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