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Governor Palin: "More N Korea nuke tests: why consider US missile program cuts now? Alaska military program helps secure US. Now is NOT time to cut our defense." Once again we have North Korea detonate a nuclear bomb and Governor Palin stands strong. Øbama & his crony's respond with empty words and his ignorant & naive polices put America in further danger.

Earlier this month Øbama proposed budget cuts for Fiscal Year 2010. Millions in cuts from missile defense funding and reduced spending for the Alaska's Denali Commission and the Village Safe Water program. “These budget cuts add up to about half of 1 percent,” Governor Palin said. “But while they do little to put brakes on the exploding federal deficit, they hit Alaska hard. I join our congressional delegation in their determination to see that Alaska’s unique challenges and its key role in national defense are not overlooked.” The Øbama budget would cancel a 2nd missile defense field at Fort Greely and freeze the number of interceptors being deployed there. “This is an outrageous move at a time when North Korea has shown its willingness to flout international sentiments and conduct missile tests,” Governor Palin said. “America needs a strong missile defense, and Alaska’s strategic location is invaluable in protecting the nation.”

What we have is another laughable United Nations resolution and Øbama the "Globalist" equally inept. North Korea realizes Øbama is a pushover, similar to Bill Clinton, and with this nuclear test they expect and will get billions in aid.

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2 Response to "Governor Palin The Wise Vs. Øbama The Ignorant"

  1. Anonymous Said,

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    Posted on May 25, 2009 at 5:51 PM

  2. bestbud Said,

    Fight Sarah Fight! We love what you stand for and we will fight along side to make a difference.

    Posted on May 25, 2009 at 6:23 PM


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