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Governor Palin Targets Obama Defense Cuts To Missile Defense

Tuesday, April 07, 2009 0 Responses

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s office reacted Monday to North Korea’s rocket test with a statement that “reaffirmed Alaska’s commitment to protecting America from rogue nation missile attacks.”
Palin herself criticized proposed Obama administration cuts proposed to missile defense programs. “I am deeply concerned with North Korea’s development and testing program which has clear potential of impacting Alaska, a sovereign state of the United States, with a potentially nuclear armed warhead,” she said in the statement. “I can’t emphasize enough how important it is that we continue to develop and perfect the global missile defense network. Alaska’s strategic location & the system in place here have proven invaluable in defending the nation….
“Our early opposition to reduced funding for the Missile Defense Agency is proving to be well-founded during this turbulent time. I continue to support the development and implementation of a defensive missile shield based in Alaska. We are strategically placed to defend the critical assets of the United States & our allies in the Pacific Theater.”
The statement also stressed Palin’s request for stimulus funds for a commercial rocket launch facility owned & operated by a public corporation of the state of Alaska.


Governor Palin To Attend Down Syndrome Event Hosted By SMILE

Tuesday, April 07, 2009 0 Responses

Making Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's April 16 visit to Evansville come off without a hitch isn't just a question of who gets to pick her up at the airport.
For the small band of local residents tasked with handling the details of Vanderburgh County Right to Life's annual Spring Banquet at The Centre, it's about such mundane but essential tasks as drilling 2,200 holes into blocks of wood.
After all, you can't have displays for 218 tables without a way to hold up all those red, white and blue dowels.
"My neighbors are all laughing at me because I'm always painting the dowel rods in my driveway," said Right to Life supporter Brenda Walters, whose sons, 5 and 12, have pitched in.
Walters' other assignments include chairing a poster contest for elementary school students that produced 165 artworks for the banquet.
"Some of the little details may seem not so important, but when all the pieces of the puzzle fit together, that's when you can make the biggest impact," Walters said.


Governor Palin Advances Alaska Towards Energy Independence

Tuesday, April 07, 2009 0 Responses

Juneau, Alaska - Governor Sarah Palin today congratulated the members of the House Special Committee on Energy for a productive series of hearings this session. Those hearings culminated with the introduction of legislation today to consolidate programs from multiple agencies within state government.
“I share the intent of committee members to streamline and consolidate the state’s energy programs, but with an expectation that efficiencies must be delivered,” Governor Palin said. “Alaskans are counting on us to keep the growth of government in check. This legislation must have a positive or at least a neutral fiscal note.”
On Saturday, a roundtable of statewide energy experts and advocates called for a cabinet-level focus on energy in Alaska. Members of the Palin Administration will be working with the committee over the interim to identify which programs should be consolidated.
“From the very first days of our administration, we have been focused on energy solutions for Alaska,” Governor Palin said. “We will embrace efficient ways to streamline our programs to deliver results. We’re working hard everyday to meet Alaska’s energy challenges. This House initiative is a cooperative effort to accomplish even more.”


Governor Palin Stresses Missile Defense. Sees Obama As Weak.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009 0 Responses

Juneau, Alaska – Responding to the missile test by North Korea, Governor Sarah Palin today reaffirmed Alaska’s commitment to protecting America from rogue nation missile attacks.
“I am deeply concerned with North Korea’s development and testing program which has clear potential of impacting Alaska, a sovereign state of the United States, with a potentially nuclear armed warhead,” Governor Palin said. “I can’t emphasize enough how important it is that we continue to develop and perfect the global missile defense network. Alaska’s strategic location & the system in place here have proven invaluable in defending the nation.”


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